Auto services - Car Repair - Automobile diagnostics - Truck Repair
Products and Services
We do most major repairs on light trucks and cars found on the highway today.
Alberta Insurance Inspections
& Out-of-province inspections
Pre-purchase inspections and Pre-Sale inspections.
Trinity uses Advanced Diagnostics with up-to-date scan tool and lab scope equipment.
We have Two trained Technicians to serve you.
Let us do your oil changes and regular vehicle servicing.
Our professionals do Air conditioning repairs, diagnostics and recharging with our new AC machine.
Radiator Replacements.
We do Tire rotations but sorry, we do not to tire repairs.
Trinity warranties all work performed as well as
warranty on the parts we supply from the local parts stores or
Trinity Automotive Repair Serving the Peace River Country with Automotive Services
Contact: trinity1(at)
Berwyn - Grimshaw - Peace River - Manning - Fairview - Nampa - Spirit River - Falher - McLennan - Rycroft